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What is an Air Ionizer?
Air ionizers are used to purify air by removing allergens and dust particles from the air. They also act as air fresheners for they neutralize odors. They work by sending molecular particles into a room, the particles attach themselves onto oxygen in the air and create negative charges then attach themselves onto dust particles and are pulled into a filter, which can be cleaned or replaced. And at times the particles become heavy and settle on surfaces, then they are easily cleaned out.
Are Air Ionizers Safe to Humans?
It is generally safe to use air ionizers and good especially to people with allergic reactions and respiratory ailments.
There is also a health boost to people with seasonal affective disorder, for when using air ionizers, there health has been proved to improve substantially. There is a general benefit like resistance to infections when using an air ionizer for they lower airborne bacterial infections.
It is safe to breath in the negative ions that are pumped into the air by the air ionizers. The negative ions have also been associated to improving moods. Naturally, they are also found in the air when air is exposed to sunshine or lightening.
Some air ionizers also double up as sanitizers and this is a health benefit to the users. These type are installed in HVCA system and clean up all the house.
Air ionizers emit ozone. Ozone has both health benefits and is harmful at the same time. For instance, it absorbs Ultra Violet Light that is harmful to your skin. However, prolonged exposure to ozone can manifest in symptoms like coughing, wheezing and generally respiratory related illness and even permanent damage to your lungs.
Are Air Ionizers Safe for Pets?
Your type of pet will determine whether the air ionizer is safe or not. There are different types of air ionizers and choose one, according to the pet that you keep in your home. For instance, it is not safe to use air ionizers for birds as the oxygen produced is too much for them.
Air ionizers are just as important to pets because they also need fresh air, which is healthy for them. For pets with far, get air ionizers that have filters so that dust particles can be effectively removed.
It is important to note that air ionizers that generate ozone are not safe for your pets. The ozone produced is harmful and can kill your pets.
Air ionizers that are generally safe for your pets are the ones that have filters. These include HEPA (high-efficiency particle air) filter-based systems, Ultra Violet Light systems, among others.
If you use the air ionizers correctly, it shall be safe for your pets. Consult a vet before making any purchase of your air ionizer.
Air ionizers are not entirely safe for your pets as they generate ozone. Any amount of ozone in the air is harmful to the pets themselves and to anybody in the same surrounding. If your pet is exposed to ozone, it shall develop respiratory problems and some smaller pets like birds will die even to a small exposure of ozone.
Do Air Ionizers Produce Harmful Ozone?
Ionizers create ozone as a byproduct. This type of ozone is harmful to your health. It can harm your skin, lungs and is harmful too to pets. When purchasing an air ionizer, check for the specifications which should include amount of ozone it can produce. The ozone that is safe is that one up to 50ppb (parts per billion).
The ozone produced by air ionizers is harmful as it can cause damage to the lungs. This can also increase the severalty of conditions like asthma. The more you are exposed to this type of ozone and depending on its concentration, the likely that you will develop the health complications.
Should I Leave My Air Ionizer On?
Air purification is a continuous process so it is generally advisable to leave your air ionizer on. The air gets contaminated after almost 3 to 4 hours. The air ionizers themselves consume very little energy, so it is okay and affordable when you leave them on even if you are not in your home at the time. This way, you shall come back to a healthy air. You can also switch your unit to low or medium speed when you are not in the house.
It is also recommendable that you do not keep on moving your air ionizers, keep them stationed in the same room.
When your air ionizer is on, you need to keep your windows and doors closed for it to work effectively. When you need to open your windows and doors during a good weather, you need to first turn off your air ionizers. This way, you shall be saving on the energy that they consume.
For you to get the best results from your air ionizer, point it towards your breathing area. This is advisable if for instance you are in a large room like an office. Point them towards your face so as to get the best out of them.
You need to avoid air ionizers that emit large quantities of the ozone, get the ones with the recommended emission of up to 50ppb (parts per billion). This will protect you from respiratory diseases.
When you are using an air ionizer that has filters, ensure that you have the filters occasionally replaced or cleaned as provided by the guidelines in the owner’s manual.
It is important to get a good quality air ionizer so that you avoid risks of it overheating and exploding since it uses electricity. Choose a durable device. Also, follow the guidelines that have been provided by the manufacturer and don’t use them obvious extreme conditions like excessive heat.
It is argued that it is good to switch off your air ionizers when you are not in your home, the idea of using air ionizers is to keep a clean flow of air. When you switch them off and come back, you shall be starting the cleaning process a fresh for air shall be stuffy and contaminated once more. So it is ideal for you to keep the air ionizers on and just reduce the power to lower or medium mode.

HVAC tech with over 30 years of experience. Retired and doing repair work on the side around Madison County, AL.