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Wondering if it’s okay to place your PC or laptop in front of an air conditioner to help keep it cool? I used to do this occasionally with my older laptops that would get extremely hot on my lap. But…
The answer is something entirely unexpected. While placing a PC in front of an AC or a laptop on an AC might sound like a great idea to cool down the electronic device, this, in reality, comes with many risks to the computer.
This blog post discusses why putting a PC in front of an AC isn’t a great idea as a permanent solution.
Is an AC Bad For Cooling Electronics?

Even though there is a very slim risk that an air conditioner will harm your electronics, you should be aware that it does happen occasionally.
Small electronics, such as audio devices or particularly sensitive electronics, cannot withstand extreme temperatures, whether it is cold or warm. Although TV, computers, and laptops can withstand for a long time.
The likelihood of the electronics being harmed by the room’s air conditioning is minimal. However, this kind of damage can occur depending on the humidity level.
Even if you use your air conditioner nonstop for an entire week, if you maintain the proper humidity level for your equipment, you won’t have any damage or issues.
An electrical cabinet will help shield electronic equipment from moisture, dust, and filth.
This, however, is not enough to protect the PC from two other significant dangers: moisture and overheating.
Electrical equipment’s two most significant enemies are heat and moisture, which can result in failure, malfunction, and shorter equipment life.
Including an enclosure air conditioner can assist prevent the failure of electronic equipment, guarantee the flawless operation of your priceless systems, and extend the life of those systems.
There won’t be any apparent damage because laptops and computers are not particularly vulnerable to the dampness of the cooling machine. However, there can be some problems with the smaller electronic equipment if you leave your air conditioner running non-stop for a week.
Can I Put My PC in Front of the AC?
Blowing cold air from an air conditioner directly into the enclosure is not recommended because doing so could harm the computer. Varying interfaces, including circuit boards, solder joints, and other interfaces, have different coefficients of thermal expansion. Electrical connections and other parts could malfunction due to the thermal shock brought on by the components’ abrupt cooling.
Therefore, it’s a good idea not to set your computer too close to an air conditioner register if you’re talking about placing it in a conventional household room. The temperature of the components inside the computer could change excessively due to the home’s air conditioning system cycling.
The likelihood of a system failure increases if the environment is warmer than 26 °C. It is advised to turn off the equipment or use it as little as possible on days that reach 30 °C if the room cannot be ventilated.
Why Should You Not Leave Your PC in Front of an AC?
There are benefits and drawbacks to leaving your computer in front of an air conditioner; Humidity & Heat are the two primary drawbacks that can impair computer performance.
Overheating may cause a computer to operate slowly or unexpectedly shutting down. Such technical developments could slow down or stop business altogether, which would not be suitable for a company owner or staff.
A particular current generated by low voltage powers the electronic parts of a computer. The computer parts can suffer harm from even a slight voltage fluctuation. The most susceptible component of a computer to overheating is the central processing unit (CPU), which executes computer programs.
The computer’s motherboard, or main board, has a temperature sensor and will instruct the CPU and other components, like the hard drive, to slow down or shut down if overheating persists. The motherboard, also known as the main board, facilitates communication among the various electronic components.
Water and electricity don’t mix, as you presumably discovered in basic science, first aid courses, or a bad personal experience. When they do, it may have unpleasant consequences. Over time, extreme humidity exposure to computer parts can cause corrosion and eventual failure.
Your computer could short-circuit if condensation forms because of the high humidity levels inside. You might lose data if your computer shorts out, and some of its parts might get harmed. If you have a properly constructed and maintained computer room air conditioning system, it should be simple to maintain humidity levels between 45 and 60%.
Do Computers Need Air Conditioning?
The specific requirements of your building are considered when designing a proper server room or computer room system, including monitoring systems, humidity control options, and even more. This comprehensive bundle works hard to safeguard everything that keeps your company running smoothly.
The benefits are:
Increased productivity and longevity of computing systems
Computers that maintain ideal cool temperature ranges operate more quickly and efficiently, significantly decreasing general wear and tear.
Low humidity levels that are optimized
Even while heat can be more harmful to your systems than humidity, if you have a reliable cooling system in place, you shouldn’t have any concerns. Even on the hottest summer days!
Should I Put My Laptop In Front Of The Ac?
If the air conditioner is set up to blow air in the direction of the laptop’s exhaust, the laptop may not be able to cool itself off sufficiently. It shouldn’t be used on your lap despite being called a laptop. Consider buying a laptop stand if you must use your lap or bed.
Can an AC Damage Your PC?
Most data centers have substantial HVAC systems because computers and other electronic equipment are designed to operate in extremely hot and humid environments. The general rule of thumb for electronics is that their life is cut in half for every 10 °C increase in temperature (or, conversely, doubled if they are powered by an air-cooled PC).