Monoflo Tee Vs Venturi Tee: Choose the Best Fitting!

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What if you need a pipe fitting for by-passing? And you got both mono flow and venturi tee as your option. 

Monoflow tee vs Venturi tee, which one to pick?

In monoflow tee vs Venturi tee, the latter is speedier. The main objective of the monofloral tee is to bypass the flow from the pipe system. It can be done to any radiator. On the other hand, venturi tee boosts up the speed of the flow through it while bypassing.

To select the perfect fitting, you have to learn more about what these fittings are ideal for.

Quick Comparison: Monoflo Tee vs. Venturi Tee

Before starting our nerdy in-depth comparison, let’s get familiar with our fellow pipe fittings. 

Features to compareMonoflo teeVenturi tee
PriceApproximately $33.00Around $200.00
Best forBypassing flowAccelerating the speed of the flow
Pressure of flowDropsIncrease

In-Depth Comparison: Monoflo Tee vs Venturi Tee

Let’s do some deep research on the pipe fittings. With this, you can choose which will work better for your situation.

Working Principle

The principle that works behind the venturi tee is the venturi effect. 

It’s pretty simple. In the venturi tee, the flow of the fluid gets accelerated. Thus, a speedy flow is passed to the bypass pipe system.

How the speed is increased?

This is where the venturi effect arrives. In the venturi effect, the pressure of the fluid rises as it passes through the tee. 

The venturi tee is made in such a way that the venturi tee’s outlet is a slope. It looks like a nozzle. 

Therefore, the pressure of the inlet fluid increases at the outlet. 

Eventually, the speed of the flow increases. Thus, you will get a more speedy flow if compared to the flow through the monofloral tee.

The basics of the monoflow tee are different. The main purpose of this tee is to bypass the fluid in separate ways, just like in hydronic radiators

And because of this reason, the mono flow tee is used for bypassing the heat sequencers.

It basically works as a fluid splitter. The fluid passes through the tee and gets separated from the main flow loop. It goes to a different flow system. 

After passing through that system, the fluid returns to the main flow stream through a mono flow valve. Ultimately it works as a one-way divider.

So, this is the primary principle difference between the monofloral tee and the venturi tee.

Monoflo Tee-

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Source: gtsanders

Changes in Pressure

Now the pipe fittings mainly work as linkages to transfer the fluid from one pipe to another. 

So, a common question might roam around your mind, “Does the pressure change?”

In the venturi tee, the pressure of the fluid rises. As said earlier, the venturi effect works at the venturi tee. 

Due to this effect, the pressure of the fluid changes. It increases. 


Well, the outlet volume of the venturi tee is smaller than the inlet volume. Because of this, the fluid has to ‘squeeze’ through the exit. 

Guess what happens? The pressure increases!

On the other hand, the pressure does not typically increase in the mono flow tee. It is because there is no nozzle-type narrow structure present at the tee. 

Instead, it’s a straight structure. Thus the fluid flows through the linkage only. In fact, the pressure of the fluid drops in some cases. 

Flow Turbulence

While a fluid passes through a pipe, there is a high chance of the particles of the fluid colliding with each other. 

This can create instability in the fluid flow. And this creates pipe problems. So let’s see what we have about the monofloral tee and venturi tee.

The monofloral tee has a straight, ramp-type structure. It basically focuses on transferring the spray to any bypass line. 

On the hand, the venturi tee has a more scoped-type structure. The outlet is narrower than the inlet.

Now at which pipe fittings does the turbulence occur the most?

Obviously, the venturi tee has more turbulence than the monofloral one. The fluid is pressurized to flow through a smaller area. 

As a result, the fluid particles collide more with each other. Ultimately, there is a high chance of the fluid flow getting more disturbed. 

Whereas in the monoflo tee, there is also turbulence. But not as much as in the venturi tee.

Final Verdict

It’s time to place the fitting. In a word, both fittings can bypass the fluid flow. 

The venturi tee increases the speed of fluid flow while bypassing. It also increases the pressure. Here are some top picks of Venturi tee out there.

Tee, Waterway, Gunite VenturiGrab it today!
Taco 1-1/4″ x 1/2″ Venturi TeeGrab it today!
Waterway Gunite Venturi Tee Grab it today!

On the other hand, you can use a monofloral tee. The fluid speed may not increase. But there will be less turbulence of the fluid while using. However, there are many cases where monoflo tee doesn’t work as expected.

Select which you like! And if you have time, check if your suction line is not sweating.


Monoflow Tees Should be Set at What Distance?

Ensure both mono flow tees are at a minimum of 12 inches. If the radiator is situated over the primary flow loop, use one mono flow tee. If the radiators are at the lower level of the main system, use two mono flow tees. 

Is There Any Way to Bleed The Monoflow System?

Yes. You can bleed the monoflo system. To do that, turn off the boiler. Then open the air shaft. Wait for a while. The high-temperature fluid will arrive at the air shaft. Once the hot flow is there, close the end of the hot flow system. Thus the bleeding will take place. 

What’s The Benefit of Using a Venturi Tee at The Carburettor?

The benefit of using a venturi tee is that it can increase the air stream. The outlet of the venturi tee is slender than the entry. This increases the pressure of the fluid stream. Eventually, increase the speed of the fluid’s movement. 

In the End

It’s the end. Hope you know the winner of the mono flow tee vs venturi tee.

Still, have any misconceptions? There are some awesome plumbing experts you will definitely find. They can help you up.

Have a great day!

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